Saturday, August 18, 2012

All that I adore ♡

Helloooooo, it's Friday again, which marks the end of another week.

Doesn't actually make a difference to me, because the days are flashing by so quickly, I've already lost count. We're closing in on the end of this semester. Submitted our last assignment, Audio Production's radio drama this morning, and boy did it sure feel good. All that's left is BMR and Film exams and I'm done for 2.1!!! Yippeeeee! Awesome riddance to such a treacherous semester.

Been feeling unusually self-conscious of late...., what happened to the days when I didn't give two hoots about how I looked or how others viewed me?! Sigh but it's not exactly a bad thing I guess?! Since friends have been telling me how I'm becoming more like a lady i.e. behaving much more demurely. Learning how to sit properly, dining etiquette, speaking with poise. Almost there! And I've actually been putting effort to dress up instead of looking like I just got out of bed in school everyday. Wonder how long I can keep this up for. Haha. ✌

I guess I'm maturing not just on the outside, but also on the inside. Nowadays I get over things way too quickly. A serious matter would cause me to mull for days previously, but now I simply rage/cry for an hour, sleep and be happy again when I wake up ☺. Yeah that's how I roll haha blame my over-optimism... which could possibly lead to my downfall one day depending on how I see it. Hmm. Where can I buy some sense of urgency.....?


our Single Camera Production PSA - mostly the girls' hard work, i really can't edit for nuts
So grateful for my superbly lovely groupmates ♡

when Jm came to crash my place last weekend ♡
so much love for this retarded girl, one of the few I can relate so well to in tp

Car wash for a good cause - fundraising for CMM's Cambodia OCP last friday!
also made me realise how weak I am physically. haha. 

did I mention how much I'm growing to love this bunch of people?
Even though I see them perpetually everyday, meetings/dinners with never gets boring, and despite how annoying some of them can get sometimes (LOL) I honestly really enjoy their presence.
No matter how shitty my day went, I know there'll always be someone to listen to me rant/make me laugh when I go to the room. Hahaha hope none of them are reading this.............. 
Which reminds me, the year 3s are going on SIP really soon. Gonna miss them so much while they're gone. Sigh gonna be much quieter without them for sure ☹☹☹.
love my comm ♡♡ #BSC 12/13

BBQ @ Ah Gu's place on National Day! Some family time and finally got to see the cousins, aunts and uncles I've been missing. 
Haha, all of us are so sporting, decked in bright red.

And of course, TP's National Day Celebration! Such a nice picture of the BSC family.
trying out our photo formation Boonzxzx came up with... which, as you can see, is totally not feasible. HAHAHAHAHA had a good laugh though

#TALON at the mass district dinner!!
I am the queen.
OK enough of the photo vomit. 

My life now is really just school > bsc > home > work > sleep > school

3am.......... I should sleep soon. Need the brain capacity to study tomorrow. Opened up my BMR lecture slides and got a horrific shock. There's soooOoOo much to study?!? But I will not be discouraged!!! A for BMR here I come. 

On a side note, EPL is starting this weekend (ahhhh how on Earth am I supposed to concentrate on studying.....?!?!) let's go #Arsenal!!!!!!! New season, new captain! ✌

Oh, and I got myself 4 new books at a book fair last weekend... time to start reading again! Nerd mode is on. Shall finish them during the holidays. I will draw up a holiday to-do-list very soon, when I'm done with the dreaded examinations.

Update again soon.
good night x

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Someone like you

Too sweet, this is embarrassing to admit but... I love weddings and proposals. Haha, probably my only girly side... my weakness for cheesy romantic stuffs. :')

The past month, or should I say, the whole year passed by in a flash. How scary. Before we know it, more than half of 2012's gone, and we're already embarking on August. (Which spells: exam period ☹! But which also means holidays are on the brink!!! Yay! ☺☺)

Had an awesome Saturday. Slept in the whole morning (still going through the aftermath of last weekend's camp) and woke up to a cooling rainy weather and brunch bought by my mama! Life's good. Went out to meet my darling Lanjayssss!!! Rui picked me up in her car! First time getting driven by her since she got her licence a while ago~ *-*

Picked up the rest, and we went to Nakhon's for some *slurpz thai food! My virgin experience. The food was damn good but my tolerance for spicy food really cannot make it. They were like competing- who can down more of the tom yam soup but I was just dying after about 5 spoons ☹.

Mango sticky rice ♡♡
finally got to try this, sooOoOo good

Celebrated Tryney's belated birthday too. Got her cheesecake, a card and a new wallet! Happy birthday my love! Please find some love soon! ♥

Went to ICC for dessert after. Ate so much today oh mai gawd, there goes all the weight I lost during camp. HAHA who am I kidding, since when did I care about my weight anyway....?! 

Just some snapshots of my favourite people ♡ 

Popped by Dom's birthday party after family dinner on Friday night. A bunch of people I really missed hanging out with! We've all grown up sigh. I'm really getting old. 

with the birthday boy

School's getting better, really glad that most of the projects have been submitted! So now all that's left is BMR group project, SingCam PSA and the radio drama. And after that, may I be blessed with motivation to mug for BMR and Film exam!!!!!!! Let's go #supersheryl! Less than a month to go before exams, holidays and then Cambodia omgomgomg *excited My grades really haven't been showing this semester, guess I placed my priorities wrongly somehow... but it's okay, I'll get back on track!!! Okay, feeling so urged to work suddenly. Shall start on my part for BMR immediately after I finish this post. HAHAHA
more picspam first:

Lunch with some of my Reizen GLs on friday!

Filming for SingCam. I present to you my lovely groupmates- Sam, Rin and Vic ♡
Just another day in the studio with the girls
@bimshon's birthday night @ Simpang ♡

with my darling @almightyJM at our secret corner

bored and grumpy me in the audio suite.

Last weekend was our Sub-Committee Camp aka The Hunger Race! Though there were several hiccups here and there, it was a success overall and the feedbacks were generally really positive! Yay to us and the organising committee who slogged so hard. Crazy crazy three days and all of us were really mad and sleep-deprived at the end of it. 

My first (and maybe the last) time being an FA... It was a really exhilarating experience, and I really have so much more to learn... My district had really lovely, enthusiastic and awesome campers ☺☺! I'm not exactly a hardworking person, nor am I a fantastic FA, my frontline isn't strong and I didn't push them. But they made it so much easier for me to facilitate. Love you guys #TALON! Oppa Talon Style~ *op op op op sexehhhh ladehhhhh hahahaha. 

My sexy #Talon birds with the proggers on day 3

3 days, (barely) 2 hours of sleep, and only 1 meal *-* still no idea how it happened. And my stomach flu really cursed me on the first night. But it was really cray cray fun hahaha especially the first night when all the FAs were rehearsing the mass dance and FA dance. Probably went through it about 200 times altogether omgzzzz. Nic and I also had a lot of fun teaching the mass dance haha (thanks to our good chemistry) 

Day 1 Running Man! Spot me in red~ 
heheheh spot me again
with the proggers and loggers at the end! :') thank you everyone who made this camp a blast


sneaking off during Find Your Maincomm game

Ending off this chunk with our camp introduction video.
Don't mind me, I look like a retard fighting hahahaha

Dayummm, typing all this is making me miss the camp. Haha, looking forward to the mass dinner on Monday ☺☺☺. 


Recounting my week, or rather blogging, is so therapeutic I swear. I feel so energised and motivated to complete all my tasks now! Okay I hope this determination lasts... okay maybe not I feel tired already~. I have this sleep debt since FO that I'm never ever gonna pay off... zzzZZzzzZz 

Be strong when you are weak, be brave when you are scared, and be humble when you are victorious

Nothing makes me happier than to hear these four words- "I'm proud of you".
Good night x ☀

I can hear them speaking, I can hear their thoughts
But what good is it if you don't see it at all?