Wednesday, October 10, 2012

We're always gonna be luminous ☼

Hell yeah, it definitely has been so far :-) 

Celebrated the mother's birthday earlier, happy birthday mummy! Age is catching up with my parents. Got her a set of anti-wrinkle and firming masks, heh heh.
Okay to give you credit, you do look a lot younger than you are... Everyone has been saying we look terribly alike :-(

#ootd to town with the girls!

My new ride!
....I wish, chanced upon this sexy thing parked outside some random hotel earlier.

The comm girls came over to my place to swim on monday, and the guys joined us for dinner at the Lagoon later! My stomach is churning in protest looking at the food collage...

Booby hubby sweating it out at the gym over the weekend ;) 
Had Eighteen Chefs with her and farmer after that, finally settled my cheese baked rice cravingsss!!!!


Oh, and I have to post this. My perfect scrambled egg! Tastes as good as it looks.

School daze:

#ootd #telepathy

Met my favourite clique before my trip!
Lanjays for life ♡♡♡♡

Followed by Mid-Autumn festival celebration at the gran's!

And of course, the highlight of my favourite month thus far: Cambodia!
T'was a really enriching experience, the 5 days spent in Siem Reap. Had loads of fun, the food & accommodation were way above expectations and bonded with TDT as well as the coursemates - all alongside a good cause!
I must mention, the teachers couldn't help praising me for my hardiness. Almost everyone on the trip fell ill at some point in the trip, but I was tough as a rock! What to do, my immune system's already impenetrable from all the junk I've been ingesting usually. 

Sneak peeks - will blog a detailed post with pictures soon!!!!

So right now, I'm feeling kinda confused. This feeling sucks, being so unsure of myself. Guess I still need more time to figure things out. I'm glad I didn't jump into any decisions.

Still enjoying what's remaining of my holidays. Is there seriously less than two weeks left?!?! I realise, I whine about how fast time passes almost every post. Hahaha can't help it, my gerontophobia's pretty serious.

In a week, I'll be 19, clutching on to the edge of teenagehood... ☹ This is embarrassing but... I remember how I (kinda) cried when I turned 18 last year... Honestly, nothing scares me more than growing up. I know it's inevitable, and I've accepted that but it doesn't mean I can't be afraid still!
I'm already starting to feel the (mental) effects of adulthood, and it doesn't feel good. I think on the cynical side, I'm jaded at times and I try too hard to be mature sometimes. Plus, I'm much more cautious now when it comes to 'being myself' (although my friends would probably beg to differ)
Please, just let me be a child forever


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