Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Growing pains

I'm currently attempting to complete Pokémon Black which I've had for nearly two years now but never actually found the time to work on... (YES I AM SO SLOW BECAUSE EVERYONE IS PLAYING X & Y). Kind of torn between getting a 3DS for that or a PS4... Pokémon is probably something I'll never really outgrow (lol). I'm always mindfucked when people tell me they've never played the game or watched an episode of the cartoon/anime, like omg, where is your childhood?!?!

Hahaha I always feel so happy reminiscing my childhood... mostly spent watching cartoons, playing videogames and running around void decks and playground-hopping. So so thankful that my childhood was so fun and eventful (with the company of my little brother and lovely neighbours). But I guess it's also why I'm kinda un-feminine and have really boyish interests. #notcomplaining 

BUT according to my mother, I was super into Hello Kitty as a toddler. That was probably before my brother was born (when I was 5). I also enjoyed wearing dresses and scarves and loved pink and cried whenever I was chided/beaten. 

Everything changed though, when I started schooling. As a primary school kid I was constantly running to find my neighbours, rollerblading around the estate, climbing on top of monkey bars etc. I also hated dresses/skirts and refused to wear them, and there was also a period where I proudly declared myself as a tomboy (LOL). Other than Pokémon, I would also tune in to (almost) every episode of Digimon, Xiaolin Showdown, Zatch Bell etc etc etc (too many cartoons to name). 

In upper primary I started watching lots and lots of Marvel/DC cartoons (on Kids Central and also VCDs because there was no YouTube/torrenting back then) like X-Men, Justice League, etc. Lol there was a point that I was so obsessed with becoming some sort of superhero (I still do now, which explains Super Sheryl). I would rush home from school everyday just to watch the animated series and later spend hours reading up about the characters on slow dial-up internet.

I also found the love of my videogame life, known as Dynasty Warriors. Haha, my bro and I would spend days and days clearing the stages, unlocking and training characters on the PS2. I guess it's also this game that sparked off my strong interest in Chinese history, something I still am very much into today. 

Zhao Yun was my fav character (no prizes for guessing why..)

Moving on to secondary school - I found new things to obsess over.

I used to collect tons and tons of Yu-Gi-Oh cards (I was super super super into the anime at one point and even wrote fanfics LOL) and spent a bOMB on them! I also invested in stuff like Marvel comics and action figurines and Pokémon guidebooks.......  
some of the loots I still keep - yes I even bought the book versions of the movies LOL

This was also when I started watching football with my dad and brother. I wasn't reeeally into it until I graduated from secondary school, just watching matches occasionally and developing a slight inclination towards Arsenal, which is the team I still strongly support today :') (need to emphasise this in case anyone thinks I'm a Chelsea fan - I just happen to be in love with one of their midfielders *coughOscarcough*).

favourite pair circa 2011

(At the same time, I also developed a more feminine obsession over certain boybands and idols *cough cough*, I still fuss over some of them today and I will not elaborate on this topic.)

It was only after secondary school that I started to develop a life (hahaha), but sometimes I feel I was much happier back then... particularly, when I didn't give two hoots on how I looked. I guess the saddest part was becoming vain, getting into the whole retail therapy thing, dressing up etc. It's hard not to conform when you're living in such a superficial world.

I'm definitely much more ladylike now but there are some things that'll probably never change, like my super straightforward and blunt personality (which is offensive to some), my (overly)chatty nature or how I can never sit demurely or walk properly in heels. And also my inner child is something I will never be able to get rid of. ;')